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price : $10.00

designer : Hyeri Lee

size : 16 x 42 x 60cm

component : 10EA

color :  silver

material : paper, matches

Made in Korea.


We accept and ship orders on a daily basis to customers worldwide.
Online orders for items in stock are normally shipped from 1 – 2 business days from order receipt.
Standard Shipping : From 5 - 30 business days  $10.0 (No Tracking number will be provided)


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Every now and then, some interesting possibilities are discovered from the objects having similar function.

METTE is just a normal match looks like a lighter.It is applied the natural fact comes from the expensive lighters to the inexpensive matches which has the same function. ( design : Hyeri Lee , Heehyoung Jo )




때로는 비슷한 기능을 가지는 사물로 부터 재미 있는 가능성이 발견되기도 합니다.

METTE는 라이터 형상의 일반적인 성냥입니다. 값비싼 라이터가 가지는 고급스러운 형상을 값은 저렴하지만 동일한 기능을 가진 성냥에 적용하였습니다. 재미있는 가능성을 가진 METTE 성냥으로 불을 붙여보세요. ( 디자인 : 이혜리, 조희형 )

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